On 18 November 2019, Hui Ling McCarthy QC chaired a webinar for the CIOT and the ATT on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
Since the pilots in 2011, ADR has been a stand-out success in resolving disputes with HMRC. Engaging in the process can bring a fresh perspective, restoring trust and confidence between the parties where relationships have broken down. In 2018/19, disputes accepted for ADR had a resolution rate of 88%. Recent statistics produced by HMRC show that 95% of agents who have used ADR would recommend it and 85% considered that their case would not have settled without it. These are remarkable statistics, bearing in mind that cases referred to ADR usually involve the longest running – and seemingly intractable – disputes with HMRC. The CIOT and ATT receives consistently positive feedback from members who have used ADR which support these statistics.
Further information, along with links to the webinar and to the slides, can be found here: https://www.tax.org.uk/policy-technical/technical-news/alternative-dispute-resolution-ciotatt-webinar
Hui Ling is a CEDR-accredited mediator and chairs the CIOT’s Dispute Resolution and Litigation Working Group. She has been closely involved with the ADR pilots and the adoption of ADR in “business as usual”. Hui Ling is happy to answer queries about cases which might be appropriate for ADR. Please contact chambers for further information.
The webinar is available online until the end of November 2020.